Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cold Weather Blues...

My normal routine involves taking our darling dog for a walk twice a day. It’s something I love doing when it’s warmer. It gets me out there smelling roses, fresh cut grass and of course dog poop as I clean up after her. In winter however, taking her out for a walk becomes quite a chore.

The first thing I do soon after waking up is turn on the Weather Channel to check on the actual temperature outside. Depending on that number I don several layers including thermals, long sleeve t-shirts, sweaters and the final topping ~ the hubs ski jacket. At the end of it all I look about as round as I am tall – a perfect sphere. Besides the fact that I am now waddling with all these layers on I’ve also lost several minutes of walk time in the morning. So Jo and I have to do a quick waddle down to the lake where she does her business. Then comes the fun part – maneuvering with all these layers involves a semi-squat, bracing my hands on the grass, scooping the poop and righting myself back up again all the while trying not to get a whiff of what can sometimes be a fairly smelly mess. The only upside to this in winter ~ disgusting as this may seem ~ is that compared to the cold weather around my blue doggie bag of poo is steaming hot. I know, I know ~ disgusting right?

I am so grateful for the days that the hubby is in town and takes it upon himself to take Jo for her morning walk. That little lie-in I get to enjoy is wonderful – particularly since he usually wakes me up with a steaming cup of chai after he’s back…. Needless to say since he’s been gone for almost 2 weeks now I’ve definitely got the blues…

1 comment:

Anu Russell said...

that is hillarious!!!
I think more like an oval than a sphere...