Saturday, February 7, 2009

20 pounds thinner is 5 minutes or less!!

Isn't it amazing how a headline like this can grab your attention!!

Lose 20 pounds in One Week!
Drop 10 inches in One Month!
Miracle Abs - No Diet, No Exercise, No Stress!
The Miracle Pill - Eat Whatever You Want & Still Lose Weight.

Hopefully we all know that all these promises are nothing but pie-in-the-sky dreams. True weight loss can only happen when the Holy Trinity align - Diet, Exercise, and Mental Attitude. Without one of these elements most weight loss programmes fail even before they start. Most of my previous weight loss success (and yes, it did happen) was when I was eating relatively healthy, working out with a Trainer, was on a dance team, and woke up every morning thinking I could conquer the world. Maybe it was my sassy short hair, the blue nail polish I used to love wearing, the cool clothes and all my minis - I definitely had attitude and more to spare.

Several years and 20 pounds later I haven't been doing so well of late. Dieting is something I can mostly handle (except for the cakes & cookies) but Exercise and my Mental Attitude needs a shake-up. I've settled into my McMansion life in the suburbs and lost (a little bit) of my essence. I love the Hubs, adore the Dog and love my life but I do not love the Size 8 (sometimes bordering on Size 10) jeans in my closet. Something's gotta change. I need my ATTITUDE back.

First step - looking at a 20 pounds thinner me. I found this fabulous website called - you upload a photo of yourself and they will work their magic and send it back to you 10-20-30 pounds thinner. The 20 pound lighter pic looks awesome and is now front and central on my refrigerator and pantry door. Some hip-hop music on the radio as I stride on the Treadmill and World, I GOT MY TUDE BACK!!

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