Sunday, February 8, 2009

Food Tracking - End of Week 1

So at the end of Week 1 - Hubs & I began the week with $300 to last thru Feb. This $300 is supposed to be for Groceries, Take-Out, Restaurant Meals & yes, even the Vending Machine hit. And .... drumroll please ..... our totals for the week are:

Groceries: 22.23
Take-out: 12.49
Lunch Out: 4.00
Dinner: 10.00
Total: 48.72
Amount Left: 251.28

Now having a fairly stocked pantry & refrigerator did help keep that number fairly low. Getting our usual essentials will definitely increase our spending this week. For one, the milk is almost over & you know I need my Calcium fix. Plus, next weekend is Valentine's Day and I'm trying to plan a fun weekend for the Hubs & I - and you know, that's going to involve eating out!!

What's scary is that while $300 might be on the lower side of what we would usually spend in a month for the 2 of us that's what some families of 4-6 will survive on. If you haven't been following the news recently more Americans are on Food Stamps than ever before. The story isn't so different in our home country. Increased food prices are forcing millions of people even further under the poverty line. Being so far away from Home pretty much the only thing I can do right now is send a check in the right direction. So my pledge is this, whatever amount I can keep our spending below $300 for this month I shall send to the relevant relief organizations back home. I know it's just a drop in the pond but it is a start.

Some great organizations out there that you can donate to within & outside of the U.S. are:

World Food Programme
Food For Life Global
Feeding America
Midday Meal

and the best of all for those of us trying to lose weight and do something good at the same time:
Pound For Pound Challenge

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