Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ummm..... Loss of Control

It happens to all of us... the black-outs, the forgetfulness, the compulsive lying to oneself and others. I guess it was my turn.

I had been trying to be good for the first few weeks of the year. With my New Year's Resolutions and plans to get healthy with my Food Diary in my purse and the Treadmill at ready I started the year with a bang. All systems go, healthy snack foods in the house, running shoes at the ready by the door.... and then life happened...

First it was the cold weather. By the time I got bundled up to take the Dog for a walk, walked her, came back & unbundled I was too tired, crabby & hungry to get on the Treadmill. My Trainer left the gym & because I hate the whole process of trying to find someone new (trust me, it's worse than dating ever was!) I've been avoiding the gym. Finally last week I actually went 3 days without writing down my food consumption in my diary. And then Superbowl Sunday hit.

I love being a good hostess. Love cooking for Hubs, love cooking for friends and especially love making desserts.... If you've read the title of this blog - Step Away From the Cookie.... you know where this is going....

I made Chocolate Cake & White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies. The first from scratch, the second was pre-made dough sold as part of a fundraising drive for my s-i-l's friend. Sunday over, the Cards lost (did I mention how much that sucked) and I had a ton of leftovers. I did take some in to friends at work but the rest of it sat on a plate in my oven. They were out of sight but not out of my thoughts. Every night I could hear their siren call as I put my dinner plate into the dishwasher. And every night, I succumbed. Loss of Control.

I am calling this my Sugar Crazed Week. Everyone's allowed to have at least one in their lifetime (or one each year if you're a chocoholic like me). I had my last piece of cake tonight. Or so I said before I had 2 more. Anyway, it's time to move on. I lost control but now am back on track. It helps that the cake is (almost) over. Maybe now I can move on with my life and let my jeans love me once more.

I can hear the Siren's call. Dang! I'd better get out of the kitchen before it's my undoing. Loss of Control - no more....

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