Saturday, February 14, 2009

Food Tracking - End of Week 2

So at the end of Week 2 we've spent a whole lot more money than I thought we would. Some of this is in part due to my Friday Potluck. My office has a Breakfast Club and each Friday one of us takes turns bringing in food. Friday, the 13th was my turn and since it was almost V-Day I decided to bring in some themed goodies... Chocolate Cups O Love - a dessert concoction with chocolate mousse, brownies, strawberries & whipped cream - and the Love Strata - mushrooms, peppers & turkey soaked in an egg-custard concoction. So yummy but not good for my numbers - financial or calorie counting - at all.

Plus, being that it was V-Day weekend the Hubs and I went out for a little offbeat date night. Fabulous food - a 4-course meal actually - and since it was BYOB we got to enjoy some really good Marquis Phillips red. Anywhoo... .drumroll please ..... our totals for the week are:

Groceries: 63.20
Lunch Out: 15.09
Dinner: 70.07
Total: 148.36
Amount Left: 102.92

So 2 weeks in I only have $100 odd left. Oops!!! Need to do some cost cutting to make the challenge goal. I would really like to have enough left to donate at the end of the month though and eating-in more than out in the next few weeks should help. After a conversation with our friends last night we've decided to try and limit our dinners out to once a week and meet for more potlucks. After all the goal at the end of the day is to enjoy hanging out with our friends and loved ones not spend gobs of money on sometimes fairly mediocre meals. We're all foodies and love experimenting with different cuisines so I guess we'll be trying a whole bunch of new recipes this year. I for one shall be making a visit to one of my favourite websites to look for some interesting, healthy and yummy dishes. Watch this space for my discoveries :)

Bon Appetite!

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