Sunday, February 22, 2009

Food Tracking - End of Week 3

So to come back from the earlier week we had a pretty darned good Week 3. Both the Hubs and I packed & took lunch almost every day this week. Getting creative with a mix of leftovers, sandwiches, salads, fruits and nuts we managed to eat both frugally and healthfully without the same ol' menu everyday. Of course all of this involved a fair amount of prep work which we usually did the evening before so that we weren't rushing around like headless chickens in the morning. We even managed to keep dining out to just one fun-filled evening - yummy chicken biryani followed by a movie and our usual Poker night. We may just be becoming a little hooked on the game! Thankfully the stakes are quite low so win or lose all our friends have an awesome time! We do have to try & bring some additional friends into the game soon though... or should I say - some new bakras?

A fairly good numbers week:

Groceries: 6.08
Lunch Out: 20.85
Dinner: 11.00
Total: 37.93
Amount Left: 64.99

So 1 week to go and .. .drumroll.... we have almost $65 left to spend!! We should definitely make it with change to spare to donate to the food banks.

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