Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Food Tracking 101

There are a couple of ongoing Budget Challenges that I’ve been following in January. Since February is a relatively short month I’ve decided to embrace the Food Challenge for this month. 28 days, $300 for groceries, take-out and restaurant eating for both the Hubs and I.

Given that Feb 1st was Superbowl Sunday and I hosted the viewing party since the Cards were playing I do start with a built-in advantage ~ enough dips and cheese to last almost the entire month if we’re good. I’m not gonna include it in my Feb spending though since it’s not an extravagantly large dollar amount. I’ve already started with pizzas on Sunday though and our share (plus the last minute milk, juice and water run) was approx. $20. The good news is between pantry staples and leftovers we should be set for the rest of the week.

With any Challenge there’s got to be a Reward of sort’s right. If we can stay within the $300 total the plan is to put the Savings towards the Health Budget and get both of us a Heart Rate Monitor. I know you can get basic ones for about $40 but I’m looking into the ones that track your calories burned. I’ll try posting my totals weekly and depending on how much we have saved at the end of the month will post my reviews for the HRMs once I have some narrowed down.
Ready, Set, FOOD…..


Anu Russell said...

I think i should also do this...but considering we have babs I will increase the tab to 325...

Ash said...

Will do ANu. Start tracking from the 1st. I'll be updating coming Monday. Should be interesting :)