Thursday, February 12, 2009

Where do we go from here?

I love reading my friend’s kids Idea Books. They want to be a ballerina, a firefighter, a policeman, a dolphin trainer, a doctor, a writer, a princess, a teacher. The possibilities are endless. There are no limits ~ as their imaginations soar and they’re exposed to new ideas & professions they expand their Career Ideas to include Aero-Space Engineer, Graphics Designer, Media Mogul and much more. Nowhere on this list are professions as necessary and unglamorous as Computer Programmer, Accountant, Law Clerk or Construction Manager.

Without giving away too much about my Profession let's just say that if you do well in my field tremendous accolades can follow including interviews and spreads in magazines and the Trinity of Fame, Fortune and Fans. If however you're one of those Worker Bees helping to put the Project together more often than not you're ignored, you feel overwhelmed and worst of all without monetary perks or job satisfaction you can become quite disillusioned. Is this what you want to do for the rest of your life?

That’s the burning question that many Worker Bees are facing throughout the country. With many friends in fields facing large scale job and pay cuts it feels like the noose keeps tightening. On the one hand is the fervent desire and dream to go out on one’s own and on the other hand is the reality of the mortgage payment. We know a great number of couples facing these crossroads whether through choice or circumstance and we’re fast approaching too. With relatively stable jobs – at the moment anyway – we feel fortunate that we have the option to make that choice but with our somewhat conservative White-Collar upbringing we’re terrified of the unknown. It's almost time to look for the answer. The question is ~ Where do we go from here?

1 comment:

Anu Russell said...

all accolades go for people who talk the loudest...the rest who actually do the work...are left behind with no recognition whatsoever...

now remind me again...why did I choose this field??!!!